Keepers follows Ashley and Joe MacLeod, two of BC’s 35 or so remaining professional independent beekeepers, as they undertake a season of beekeeping on Vancouver Island. The youngest independent beekeepers still working professionally in BC, they bring an important energy and perspective to the profession, and speak to why the knowledge that beekeepers hold for their communities is essential to food security and biodiversity.
In production with support from TELUS.
Sound Sculptures
A portrait of an artist as a young man. This short documentary follows Ben Brown, a Vancouver-based drummer searching for sound in public sculptures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Completed, 2024. With support from the Canada Council for the Arts.
The Promise of Happiness
Hastings Race Track
A rare behind the scenes look at the families that live and work at this historic racetrack.
In production.
‘To travel is to live...’ until travelling begins to echo a surrealist version of life on earth.
In production.